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Onsite Covid-19 Protocol
Students and All Visitors on Campus
Cleaning and sanitizers
Hand Sanitizers will be available in all classrooms, hallways, the office and in outside spaces. We will encourage both hand sanitizing and hand washing frequently.
Staff will clean and sanitize all high touch surfaces before classes begin, at closing and throughout the day.
Covid-19 Protocol when a positive case has been found at ASP.
If a student, staff member or family member tests positively for Covid-19 OR shows symptoms, they must remain or return home to isolate for 10 days after the last symptoms go away.
If a person has no symptoms but has tested positive for Covid-19, they need to isolate for 10 days. They must show proof of a negative test to return to After School Planet.
Students and staff who have been exposed to a known case of Covid-19 must present a negative test to return to After School Planet.
It is possible that we (ASP) will ask an entire class or cohort to test if their exposure warrants it. Exposure that might result in this is being within 6 feet or a person with Covid-19 for more than 15 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Administration will notify all families and staff by email and/or a phone call if they have been exposed and discuss further steps to be taken.
Health Checklist:

Everyone entering ASP (After School Planet) campus must wear a mask at all times, inside and on the grounds. Students may remove their masks to eat while sitting in our lunch area while safety social distanced. We will also have a designated area for students who need a short break from mask wearing.
We will relax the outdoor mask requirement as soon as we safely can!
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