Contact us for pricing information! RESERVE YOUR SPOT

Get ready for a INTERESTING summer filled with new experiences, field trips, and more! Whether they are catching some rays and water fun, cruising at the museums, having fun on a ride, or just chilling by the pool—this group will be able to LEARN AND experience FUN!
This Summer we are going back to Afterschool Planet's roots! We will be learning about FOOD and how it affects our body. Healthy ideas to cook. children will learn how to make healthy foods for themselves.
We're using our Math, English, Writing and Science knowledge - applying it to practical STEM skills.
There will be games, fieldtrips and achievements!
This will be the focus along with their regular studies to help them for the next year. Your child will enjoy and improve their grades here with our disguised STEM subjects inside fun! (see schedule link "Click Here")
Sign up Now! SPACE is LIMITED
We will help your child keep up with his/her grade level academic studies such as; reading, writing, vocabulary, math throughout the summer.
Please download the forms here and fill them out then send them back to me to enroll your child. We will respond with a price quote for this selections you have made for Summer.
Application, Medical Release, Medical Policy, Photo Permission, Field Trip Form

Drop-In Childcare
$100 off your first month tuition if you enroll by
May 15

+ La Rosa Elementary School
+ Cloverly Elementary School
+ Longden Elementary School
+ Emperor Elementary School
+ Oak Avenue Intermediate School